**** check back because this document is updated periodically*****


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

January 30th (Monday evening) - September C. Fawkes - Triarchy Method of Story



<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 4 (Saturday morning) - Forrest Wolverton


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 6 (Monday evening) - TBA


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 11 (Saturday morning) - TBA


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 13 (Monday evening) - TBA


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 18 (Saturday morning) - Mike Jack Stoumbos


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 20 (Monday evening) - TBA


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 25 (Saturday morning) - TBA


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

February 27 (Monday evening) - Michael Hauge - Seducing the Reader Within the First 10 pages

The opening of your screenplay or novel is your single most powerful weapon for acquiring an agent or securing a deal. Using examples from recent successful films and novels, Michael reveals the secrets of transforming your opening scenes into emotionally gripping sequences that will force readers to turn the page.

MICHAEL HAUGE works with people who want to change more lives, and make more money, by telling compelling stories. He has been one of Hollywood’s top coaches and story experts since 1985, and has worked with countless screenwriters, novelists and filmmakers. He has consulted on projects starring (among many others) Will Smith, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise and Reese Witherspoon.



<aside> 🌟 Announcement

March 4 (Saturday morning) - Jana S Brown - topic TBA


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

March 6 (Monday evening) - Savannah Gilbo - Writing Well-Constructed Scenes


<aside> 🌟 Announcement

March 11 (Saturday morning) - TD Storm - the Taxonomy of Tension
